is a compelling investment choice, for reasons that stand out in any diversified basket of stocks: for aggressive growth and financial strength that would make it a leader in any industry; and beyond that, for excellent leverage to rising gold prices.
When we created , we had one primary objective at heart, and that is to make the process of investing as simple and clear as possible, such that anyone with a desire or goal to build financial investment can do so without having to be a professional.
More About UsWe take a risk-based approach to product stewardship and implement due diligence procedures so that our supply chain conforms to the World Gold Council’s Conflict-Free Gold Standard.
In 2019, the ICMM and the WGC introduced new frameworks – the Mining Principles and the Responsible Gold Mining Principles, respectively, to better set out what responsible mining looks like. At Barrick, we take our duty to produce gold in a responsible manner very seriously. Barrick’s approach to conformance with these two frameworks has been to use the equivalency tables to evaluate whichever requirement is more stringent for each aspect to dovetail the two frameworks into a single framework which we call RGMP+. To demonstrate that commitment, in 2019 we endorsed the Responsible Gold Mining Principles, as well as actively contributed to their development, particularly the work to set out equivalency between the ICMM and WGC frameworks. In working to conform to the RGMP+, we ran a pilot program of this framework at our Hemlo and Kibali mines. We also conducted a gap assessment at the group level during 2019. During the third quarter of 2020, we rolled out self-assessments covering all 10 principles to all operational sites. These were all completed by site level specialists by December 31, 2020. The self-assessment forms and associated documentation will be reviewed by the Group Sustainability Executive in the first quarter of 2021, with any necessary corrective action plans implemented during the second quarter. The self-assessment process has been assured. During 2021, we will continue to work towards conformance with the standards. This will include working at a corporate level and with our assurance partners to assure each operational site through desktop review and site visits on a prioritized basis.
We filter every decision we make through the question: "Does this help us become the most trusted brand in the space?" Trust is the sum of every interaction customers have with us as a company. It requires us to be world class at security, compliance, technology, customer support, design and more
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